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发布时间:2022-05-31 作者:济南贴客量子膜 文章来源:http://www.tiekemoshe.com/ 浏览量:0

Many car owners often see one word when considering the automobile film - transmittance.
What is the light transmittance? Why 70% light transmittance is required? Next, the editor will introduce
What is the light transmittance? Transmittance, as the name suggests, refers to the percentage of light passing through. The higher the transmittance, the lighter the color of the film, and the clearer the vision of the drivers and passengers. According to the regulations of the Ministry of communications, the light transmittance of the front bumper film must be higher than 70%.
Why 70% light transmittance is required? The research shows that the visible distance of human eyes decreases with the decrease of the visible light incident in human eyes. Under other conditions unchanged, 70% visible light transmittance is a turning point of the visible distance of human eyes. When the visible light of the incident eye is more than 70%, the visible distance decreases slowly. When the visible light of the incident eye is less than 70%, the visible distance decreases sharply.
Inferior film will not only affect the vision of the vehicle itself, but also interfere with the vision of other drivers. The probability of an accident is several times that of a qualified film. The light transmittance is required to be 70% in order to improve the visual distance of the driver and allow the rear vehicle to see other pedestrians or vehicles through the front vehicle, so as to quickly make corresponding predictions and measures in advance.
What are the pitfalls in the light transmittance of automobile film? The formula for calculating the light transmittance of the automobile after coating is the product of the light transmittance of the front windshield glass and the light transmittance of the film. The national requirement is that the overall light transmittance is 70%. However, many low-quality film brands have secretly changed the concept and defined their own film as having a light transmittance of 70%.
At present, the light transmittance of most automobile front windshield glass is about 80%, so the overall light transmittance of glass after coating can be more than 70% only when the light transmittance of automobile film is at least more than 80%. It can be seen that the vast majority of automobile films sold in the market are unqualified.
The quality of car film is related to life. If you want to avoid buying substandard fake and inferior car film, you need to identify a big brand with high credibility such as Shengjia. The strictly selected substrate determines the very high optical clarity, which can ensure the driving line of sight is always clear at night or in bad weather.
The above is the content introduced by Jinan automobile film. Thank you for checking the information of our company in your busy schedule. If you want to know more, you are welcome to call us for consultation http://www.tiekemoshe.com/
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