1. 保护原厂车漆:日常生活中的剐蹭在驾车过程中时有发生。量子漆面保护膜在车子表面构成了一层隐形的保护层。让原厂车漆免受剐蹭的损害,且更换容易。
1. Protect the original paint: scratches in daily life occur from time to time during driving. Quantum paint protective film forms an invisible protective layer on the surface of the car. Make the original car paint free from scratch and easy to replace.
2. 强拉伸性:美国原产TPU本身有着优良的延展性能和拉伸强度。膜本身的延展性非常好,这使得量子漆面保护膜Super可安装在任何复杂的汽车曲面上。
2. Strong tensile property: TPU made in the United States has excellent ductility and tensile strength. The ductility of the film itself is very good, which makes the quantum paint protective film super can be installed on any complex automobile surface.
3. 自恢复性:表面涂层是一种弹性记忆复原材料,具有自恢复功能,任何细微的擦伤、划伤将在日晒下恢复,让您的爱车无时无刻都保持状态。
3. Self recovery: the surface coating is a kind of elastic memory recovery material with self recovery function. Any slight scratch and scratch will be recovered under the sun, so that your car will remain in good condition all the time.
4. 良好的粘合性:量子漆面保护膜有良好的胶粘性,安装后确保不开边、不龟裂,任何时间移除不留残胶。美国原厂对产品提供10年的原厂质保。
4. Good adhesion: the quantum paint protective film has good adhesive adhesion. After installation, ensure that there is no edge opening and cracking, and no residual glue is left after removal at any time. The original factory in the United States provides a 10-year original warranty for the products.
5. 隐形增亮漆面:光学级的TPU,与原车融为一体,不影响漆面本色,肉眼很难观察到其存在,同时提升车漆表面的光泽度。配合原厂增光剂使用,效果更好。
5. Invisible brightening paint surface: optical grade TPU is integrated with the original vehicle, which does not affect the natural color of the paint surface. It is difficult to observe its existence with the naked eye, and improve the gloss of the paint surface at the same time. With the use of the original brightener, the effect is better.
6. 抗污性: 安装了漆面保护膜后,TPU的表面涂层具有很强的抗腐蚀性,具有可以抵抗柏油、油脂、弱碱、沙砾、酸雨等长时间对漆面的损伤,很大限度的保护了原厂车漆。
6. Stain resistance: after the paint protective film is installed, the surface coating of TPU has strong corrosion resistance, which can resist the damage to the paint surface for a long time, such as asphalt, grease, weak alkali, gravel and acid rain, and greatly protect the original vehicle paint.
The above is a detailed introduction about Jinan quantum film. I hope it will be helpful to you If you have any questions, please contact us We will provide you with professional service http://www.tiekemoshe.com/