很多车主在购买隐形车衣之前,都会问隐形车衣会不会发黄,隐形车衣发黄 其实就是隐形车衣的正常老化现象,很多商家为了促成成交,会夸大其词,甚会说好的隐形车衣不会发黄,这种说法是极度不负责任的,因为任何一件东西使用都有用旧的时候,没有任何东西可以违背这个自然规律,隐形车衣也不例外
Many car owners will ask if the invisible car clothes will turn yellow before they buy them In fact, it's the normal aging phenomenon of invisible car clothing. Many businesses exaggerate and even say that good invisible car clothes will not turn yellow in order to facilitate the transaction. This statement is extremely irresponsible, because everything can be used. When it is old, nothing can violate this natural law, and invisible car clothing is no exception
Therefore, car owners need to correctly understand the Yellow phenomenon of invisible car clothing. If they hear that the invisible car clothes will not turn yellow, they just want to sell more money. We should keep our eyes open and do not believe in false publicity
Although the yellowing of invisible car clothing can not be avoided, it can delay the yellowing time, that is to delay the aging of invisible car clothing!
隐形车衣分为PVC和TPU两种材质,现在市场上有一些新的名称材质,其实都是PVC材质的升级款,万变不离其宗!正常车衣的老化期pvc是1年半到2年 TPU是4-5年,在这期间与车主的用车习惯,天气状况有密切的关系!
Invisible car clothing is divided into PVC and TPU two materials, there are some new names on the market, in fact, are PVC material upgrades, never leave its original! The normal aging period of PVC is 1.5 to 2 years, and TPU is 4-5 years. During this period, it is closely related to the car owner's habits and weather conditions!
两外关于车的颜色也有一些关系,很多车主会诧异,隐形车衣的老化怎么还有车漆颜色的事?其实就是视觉差的问题 白色车漆底色浅,车衣老化后发黄会更加明显 黑色车漆深,所以一般看不出黄色 ,这也就是为什么遇到黑色车,商家会告诉你我的车衣不发黄 然后你就要多掏好多钱,其实真的跟车衣贵贱没有关系 就是底色看不出来!
There are also some relations between the color of the car and the color of the car. Many car owners will be surprised. How can the aging of the invisible car coat have to do with the color of the car paint? In fact, it is the problem of poor vision. The background color of white car paint is light, and the yellowing of car clothes will be more obvious after aging, and the black paint is deep, so you can't see yellow generally. This is why when you encounter a black car, the merchants will tell you that my car clothes don't turn yellow, and then you have to pay a lot of money. In fact, it has nothing to do with the price of car clothes, but the background color can't be seen!
小编要告诉大家 如果是白车 被刮伤后换车衣,必然新帖的车衣和之前贴的车衣有色差,因为有了对比,看起来看就更加明显,但是车主也不必惊慌,再过一段时间 随着车衣的使用,色差会逐渐减少!
Xiaobian wants to tell you that if it is a white car after being scratched, there must be a color difference between the new car clothes and the previous ones. Because of the comparison, it looks more obvious, but the owners don't have to panic. After a period of time, with the use of car clothes, the color difference will gradually reduce!
希望车主在以后选择的时候 ,不要被虚假宣传误导。
I hope car owners will not be misled by false publicity when they choose in the future.